Saturday, February 6, 2010

Jumping through hoops

I feel like I have neglected this poor blog because there hasn't been much to report. Garrett has been without therapy for over two months. He is going back to a lot of his behaviors (head banging, spitting, not eating). It's been very depressing to see all of the progress we were making disappear.

But this week, we finally have some news!

We got our notification that Garrett's records had been transferred for ECHO and we were given two options for ABA therapy. I called and spoke to the one out of Suffolk, and they have a center that's local. They have openings Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings for two hours each. I told her to go ahead and sign Garrett up. We both contacted our ECHO coordinator and if we've jumped through all of the right hoops, Garrett should be starting ABA on Tuesday.

We also got a visit from the early intervention coordinator this week. I signed all of the paperwork and they'll be writing up a new IFSP for him. Our coordinator will be coming back this Wednesday with some other forms for me to sign, and Garrett will begin Speech and OT before the end of the month.


  1. Yay! That is great news!

  2. I am so glad that things are going to begin progressing with him again. You are doing a great job!
